marta ballvé


Explore Marta Ballvé's artistic universe through her unique and captivating projects, where each brushstroke reveals a story full of passion and creativity.


«Water Roots»

"Water Roots" is a project that speaks of the need to rethink our attitude towards nature.


"Water Trees"

"Water Trees" is a project that speaks of the need to rethink our attitude towards nature.


"RE Project"

The objective was to help us reflect on how to rebuild, reactivate and repair a wounded society.


«Project Spaces of Silence in LaGaLeRia»

Spaces of Silence that give us the opportunity to attend and perceive the world in a new way. 


«Proyecto Inspiradoras»

This project is a tribute to all those women who have paved the way for us and who, all too often, have been forgotten.


"In Praise of Silence Project"

This project praises the silence that brings us closer to reflection and connects us with Art, especially that of creation.


"Weaving Silence"

A project that speaks of the importance of silence to create a space for dialogue.


«Proyecto Imágenes Imbricadas»

These works are the interweaving of a series of images.


"No+Invisibility Project"

Marta Ballvé's work goes beyond the mere visual impact, it leads us to the limit between the superfluous and the essential.


"Weaving Silence"

A project that speaks of the importance of silence to create a space for dialogue.


«Proyecto Imágenes Imbricadas»

These works are the interweaving of a series of images.


"No+Invisibility Project"

Marta Ballvé's work goes beyond the mere visual impact, it leads us to the limit between the superfluous and the essential.


"Project Hybridization"

The artist proposes to break with stereotypes: Painting and sculpture are hybridized; paintings hang from the ceiling and sculptures hang from the walls.


"Visual Perceptions Project"

We enter the world of perception. Learning and everything we have experienced influences our way of perceiving things.


"Visual Biographies Project II"

A multi-personal project that invites visitors to identify with the various pieces, rather than following an autobiographical journey of the artist.


"Visual Biographies Project"

The title of the project is plural because the artist does not propose a journey through her life through the different pieces that make up the exhibition, but rather that the visitor can identify with some of them.


"Siluetazo Project"

The social movement that developed in Argentina in 1980, called SILUETAZO, mobilized people to hang life-size silhouettes. It was a way to represent the presence of absence, that of thousands of detainees and disappeared during the military dictatorship.